Yesterday, we had an interview with a potential sitter for the HHkids. HHgirl was a complete angel and put on the charm. HHboy not so much. Let's just say he was excited. He decided he would display how he could behave like a big boy. Well, that's what we'll say.
In reality he was craz-ee. He was jumping on the couch. Spiking juice boxes and borrowing granola bars out of the cabinet. Face covered in chocolate. No wonder the gal said it would be $20 an hour.
After R left, we were thinking couldn't you wait until after she agreed to watching you both. Then act like a kid in the circus.
Yep. You heard me right $20 an hour. Is that crazy? When I baby sat kids, I think I was lucky to make $3 an hour. Yes, it was short time ago, but really. $20. We loved this gal and she was great with the kids, but good gawd. If HHhubby and I go to dinner one night, will eat out a la fast food and $2 buck chuck, in order to make up for the cost of having a sitter for the kids. Bizarre.
Holey crap, I think I should re-think my whole unemployed and looking for work thing. I dunno though, putting up with other peoples kids is probably worth 20/hr. I use to make a whopping 4/hr and that was almost minimum wage back in my day. (4.25)
$20/hour? That's friggin' stupid!!!
I can't imagine paying that!!
I'd be open to trying to negotiate that down to 12.50, maybe 15 or I could come down and watch them for pizza and iced tea.
$20 and hour? Are you sure? Youza! My neighbor girl charges $2.75 an hour. Seriously. I pay her $4. It works out great.
Holey crap, I think I should re-think my whole unemployed and looking for work thing. I dunno though, putting up with other peoples kids is probably worth 20/hr. I use to make a whopping 4/hr and that was almost minimum wage back in my day. (4.25)
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