May 25, 2006

hello-hello is there anyone there?

I'm having this kind of day. Actually this kind of week. Am I am hormonal, pmsing bitch. What is it?
Well speaking on behalf of the others that are taking years off my life. It's not all me. Nope. I have become a little bit of a fire breathing dragon, but what happen to good ol' customer service and follow through.

So we had a new washer and dryer delivered Wednesday. yah, I say. I go down to the laundry room and check out all the bells and whistles. Now, let me just say unless you do laundry as much as I do, you really wouldn't be jumping up and down for joy about purchasing a new washer and dryer. Anyway, so I start a load of wash. Ready to load dryer with clothes. Oh wait, dryer is spinning clothes but no heat.

Afterwards and this is no exaggeration 20 calls to the big box retailer whom we purchased the appliances from. We FINALLY have the delivery guy, not a technician but the delivery guy coming out to look at our dryer.

Delivery guy -who is a nice as can be, tells me " I'm sure the unit was installed correctly but I'll come back out anyway."

The next time they can have a tech appointment is in one lovely week.

If you know anything about having two kids zee week without a dryer is insanity. Not to mention we are leaving tomorrow for the weekend.

Woah is me.

send me some good ju ju pallleasse.

update: I have been home all day waiting for the delivery man-hence the 50 posts. Really, I'm not just this much of a computer dork.


Blogger Brooke and Brandi said...

We too just got a new set, front loaders and I am happy to say they have worked like a charm. Beautiful thing plus they can wash so much more. I did actually get pretty excited over this purchase. Makes washing clothes sort of fun. Hmmmmmmmmm that just does not sound right. Hope you are having better luck by now.

May 31, 2006 11:32 AM  

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